Monday, February 23, 2009


So a little more on the topic of uniforms. As Stacy noted, one of the appealing things about corporate America is the de facto uniform of a business suit. I have envied the uniformed professionals -- nurses with their scrubs, park rangers, cops, EMTs, firefighters, flight attendants -- for their uniformed work lives. I should clarify that I don't really envy our military men and women though, I find camo kind of creepy looking, and no uniform could make going to war an appealing work option to me. When we were looking at Singapore as a possible home next year, one thing that was very appealing to me was the uniformed librarians. I thought this phenomenon was unique to Asia as Chinese librarians also have uniforms in some cities, however a little research uncovered the following bizarre but delightful video of a librarian fashion show.

Apparently the library in Amsterdam decided to uniform their crew in these rather hilarious Euro-modern styles. I also find the "models" pretty amusing as they look nothing like the baby boomers that make up the majority of the library workforce in the States. Somehow I think this library couture would not translate well in America. I would happily wear these outfits to work though. I might be really tempted to occasionally exclaim "now is the time on Sprockets when we dance" as these seem Dieter-esque to me.

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